Fair Day at the Bay N. Venturelli

Fair Day by the Bay
by insructor: Nora Venturelli

Friday, August 12, 2011

Maria Prose Landscapes - Traverse City

This is the first very hot, hot day. It was a difficult day for many reasons. The acrylic paints dried instantly. The attempt at a new palate did not work either. So the best thing to do that day was to use a palate knife and layer the paint, sometimes in the exact color out of the tube. Though it was a frustrating day, I did learn a bit about painting outside in the heat and hoped that tomorrow would be a better day.

Acrylic on canvas
11x14 in Carrol Road

For homework that evening, I attempted a landscape from a postcard to see how the acrylic paints reacted indoors especially in air conditioning! It gave me the confidence to continue the next day.

Acrylic on canvas
11x14 in

One of my favorite days, the day of the pig invasion! I am grateful to Nora for suggesting the change in green in the front, the lilac also made all the difference on the hay.

Carrol Road
Acrylic on canvas
11x14 in

This was a rain day. It also was a day that I worked way too long on my painting, to the point that it was not the same painting I started with. I realized that no matter how many times I tried to fix it, I could not reproduce the weather conditions that I needed to make it right!

Mission Point Lighthouse
Acrylic on canvas
11x14 in

The Chateau Chantel was a beautiful spot with multiple views. It also was a cold, windy, moody day. I was trying to capture this mood and hope that it comes across that way.

Chateau Chantel
Acrylic on canvas
16x20 in

One of my homework assignments was to use colored paper to "block" the color in. I tried this technique with painting the next day. This is a very quick block that everyone told me to leave as is. It is the same day, same place, just different view as previous painting.

Chateau Chantel
Acrylic on canvas
16x20 in

The last day I went to Borrow's Harbor. This is near the restaurant with wonderful aroma's and views! I wanted to capture a private setting that would invite a friend into the picture.

Borrow's Harbor
Acrylic on canvas
16x20 in

I have never blogged before and had difficulty with doing this one. (Guess there is always one in the class)! I hope it has met with the criteria needed. I loved the class and want to keep pursuing Landscape Painting! Thank you Nora for a great experience and thank you all for making it fun.

Maria Prose

1 comment:

  1. I noticed that nature is your concentration in painting, its not a bad idea but I'm just too excited to see your fruit painting. When are you going to create one? XD
    Grace|employment posters
